場次 | 起迄時間 | 收費金額 | 說明 |
上午 | 08:00 | 400元 | 1.不足一場次者,以一場次計算。 2.使用冷氣設備者,每場次加收使用費150元。 3.設籍於本市內湖區、南港區、文山區、北投區、士林區區民可憑身分證明免費使用。 4.星期一及國定假日除中華民國開國紀念日、和平紀念日及國慶日外, 一律停止開放;星期一遇國定假日,該日及次日均停止 開放。 5.農曆春節假期之開放時間另行公告。 |
下午 | 13:00 | 400元 | |
晚上 | 19:30 | 200元 |
Art and Culture Classroom Regulations
The opening hours and the cost of rent:
- Each sessions is charged NTD 400. Rental hours shorter than one session are also charged as one session fee.
- An extra NTD 150 fee is charged for using the air conditioning.
- Citizens registered in Neihu, Nangang, Wenshan, Beitou and Shihlin Districts are free to use this room with valid identification cards.
- Application to rent this room should be handed in five days prior to the activity. Applicants are allowed to use this room after permission and paying fee.
- Applicants should be responsible for the order in this room. Talking aloud is not permitted.
- The user shall properly maintain the equipment and equipment of the room. If it is damaged, it shall be compensated according to the price.
- Applicants should be informed to clean this room together after the activity. Please leave before the close hours.
Opening Hours
(Closed every Mondays and on national holidays)
08:00 – 12:00
13:00 – 17:00
19:30 – 21:30